Cycling Science & the Himalayas

Coming Soon to Chester: Cycling Science & the Himalayas (25th April 2015)

Cycling Science
Hands-on Cycling Science

Back in February, I was mooching about on Facebook one evening when I discovered an advert for an event on ‘Cycling Science’ presented by the science journalist Max Glaskin at the Brighton Science Festival. It looked really interesting; not just a talk (although that would have been interesting in itself), but also a led ride with practical, hands-on experiments and explanations along the way.

Cycling Science
Cycling Science

I made some enquiries and discovered that Max was interested in bringing the event to Chester as well, that the local council (Cheshire West and Chester) were prepared to provide funding, and that some of my colleagues in the Faculty of Science & Engineering at the University of Chester were keen to help.  The result is that we are running an event for schools (plus University of Chester staff and students) at Thornton Science Park on Friday 24th April, and following that up with public events at the University’s Parkgate Road campus in central Chester on Saturday 25th April.  Thanks to the CWAC funding, all of the events are completely FREE OF CHARGE.

We’d really love to see a big turnout of local (or not-so-local) cyclists, mountain bikers, and, well anyone who’s interested really.  You can find out more about the events at our Eventbrite pages, at:- 


Hope to see lots of you there!

Photo (c) Jeremy Torr and Max Glaskin